Until further notice, we are not allowing in studio painting.

Are you ready for an in-store painting experience? Call us at 440-268-6689

Walk-ins are always welcome, space permitting. You can now reserve a table during our regular studio hours

  • Two sessions available on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays

  • Four sessions available on Fridays and Saturdays

  • No more than 4 painters at a table

  • All painters ages 5 and up are required to wear a mask.

  • If you are interested in board signs, glass or self-guided canvas, we prefer you call us at 440-268-6689 and allow 24 hours to reserve a spot. These activities require a little more staffing and we want to make sure we have enough help on hand to guide you.

  • Each session is approximately 2 hours. We are flexible on time if we have not reached studio capacity during your seating. We are allowing a 15 minute gap between sessions to sanitize tables for the next session - be on time so you have enough time to paint

Reservations are not required but encouraged. Those with a reservation are guaranteed a table. We will fit walk-ins if tables are available